La percepción de los factores de influencia por los periodistas dentro de la cultura periodística de España
ISSN: 2236-8000
Year of publication: 2012
Volume: 7
Issue: 3
Pages: 51-69
Type: Article
More publications in: Comunicação Midiática
In this article we analyze journalists perceptions of the influence factors within the journalistic culture of Spain. In order to reach a greater understanding of the professional context we use the concept of journalistic culture that is based on the thin line between national cultures and the universal concept of culture as a way of life. Our empirical study is based on the international quantitative project Worlds of Journalism (WoJ), directed by Hanitzsch (2009). The objective is to determine the perception of the influence of contextual factors. The results show that Spanish journalists perceive the influences of the factors closest to them more intensively. As our analysis shows, Spanish journalistic culture portrays a greater interference of these factors within the routine of news professionals.