Ritual del Nakatomi no Harae según el Nakatomi no Harae Kunge en la Edad Media

  1. Masako Kubo
Mirai. Estudios Japoneses

ISSN: 2531-145X

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 7

Pages: 77-85

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5209/MIRA.86166 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Mirai. Estudios Japoneses


In traditional Shinto rituals, we find harae祓 ritual purification. Within the diversity of harae, Ōharae 大祓 stands out, which objective consists of a great purification, eliminating the sin tsumi罪 and the impurity kegare穢れ every six months. Likewise, it is known as “Nakatomi no harae中臣祓”, since these rituals were entrusted to the. Nakatomi Clan, for their celebration.This paper aims to understand the spirituality of the people of Ancient Japan, reflected in Nakatomi no harae, texts that contain the ritual process of purification, consisting of the elimination of the origin of sin thanks to the divinities. The text is considered key to the essence of Shintoism, to such an extent that it left its influence on Buddhist rituals, which from the end of Ancient Japan, were reformed into Nakatomi no harae kunge中臣祓訓解, through Shingon esoteric branches, which have retained Shinto elements incorporated into Buddhism.

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