Aprendizaje activo y autoevaluación a través de la implementación de laplataforma Kahoot! Para la mejora e innovación docente en psicología yeducación

  1. Alvaro Bejarano Martín 1
  2. María Magán Maganto 1
  3. Ricardo Canal Bedia 1
  4. Cristina Jenaro Río 1
  5. Noelia Emma Flores Robaina 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Salamanca, España
In-Red 2022. VIII Congreso nacional de innovación educativa y docencia en red
  1. García Sabater, José Pedro; (dir. congr.)
  2. Cano Escribá, Juan Carlos (dir. congr.)

Publisher: edUPV, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València ; Universitat Politècnica de València

ISBN: 9788413960173

Year of publication: 2022

Pages: 102-116

Congress: Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red (8. 2022. null)

Type: Conference paper


The use of gamification tools has meant an advance towards models of analysis of active assessment and learning in a natural, complex environment with contingent responses and student exchanges and, therefore, has meant an improvement in the quality of the results obtained in the short and long term in relation to the subjects and areas of application of the proposal. The aim of this work has been to promote the development of innovative teaching techniques, processes and strategies that encourage university student participation. To this end, a gamification methodology was used with the tool kahoot! for content evaluation, where participants created questionnaires and evaluated the questionnaires of other participants. The results obtained through the different analyses provide strong evidence of the success of using the tool in the classroom. Both the survey and the statistical analyses have shown that the use of the Kahoot! quizzes together with the methods of explaining the questions with multimedia materials has not only been useful for the teachers, but also for the students.