Retos de cara a la informatización de los registros inmobiliarios en Cuba

  1. Adriana Castro Castelo 1
  2. David León García 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Habana

    Universidad de La Habana

    La Habana, Cuba


Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario

ISSN: 0210-0444

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: 500 aniversario de la fundación de La Habana (Cuba)

Year: 95

Issue: 775

Pages: 33-43

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario


The existence of a registration of real estates have been for a long time a guarantor mechanism due to the protection given by the registered holder and the truthful and appropriate information that this registration gives to native and legal individuals. This information supports the civil and economic relations established by these individuals, constituting an instrument of legal knowledge. Nowadays, this instrument works as in XIX century, which means that the information is held only in paper format. However, the preeminence of a world ruled by Technologies of Information and Communications and the inclusion of them in all sectors of daily life are imposed in the legal field which requires a change in its organization and its function. Today, society is in constant movement, jointly with the economic traffic; and within this field, it is important to highlight the celerity of holders of real estates. For that reason, a registration system based on a paper format does not respond to the traffic dynamics, even if there is a possible answer in the digitalization of such registrations. This process ought to take into consideration the integration of all registrations and their later information by means of databases that allow centralization of information, organization of work, and facilitation of the procedures in which they are developed. This is a goal with a lot of difficulties, whose principal objective lies on the harmonic and coordinated performance of these institutions as primary source of information.

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