Comunicación, innovación y creatividad periodísticaanálisis factual de la blogosfera en Brasil y España

Supervised by:
  1. Jesús Miguel Flores Vivar Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 05 June 2023

  1. Francisco Bernete García Chair
  2. José Francisco Díaz Cuesta Secretary
  3. Marta Perlado Lamo de Espinosa Committee member
  4. Guadalupe Aguado Guadalupe Committee member
  5. José-Gabriel Fernández Fernandez Committee member

Type: Thesis


This research aims to define aspects related to the blogosphere in Brazil and Spain, through the analysis of the digital journalistic culture corresponding on two contextually different and geographically distant communication models. A total of 16 journalistic blogs are selected, eight corresponding to each country, and the content analysis and systematic observation of their publications are carried out during two weeks of the year 2019, in order to determine characteristics of the journalistic format and content. The study is classified as exploratory-descriptive research, and assumes a mixed methodological perspective, which starts from the quantitative analysis to subsequently arrive at qualitative inferences in order to outline a communicative model of the blogosphere in Brazil and Spain. After the exhaustive field work that allowed to collect a total of 10 000 data, 9376 from Brazil and 624 from Spain, in relation to the journalistic content of the analyzed blogs, the creation of a computer search engine for information on blogs is proposed. This blogger constitutes one of the main practical contributions of this doctoral thesis. It concludes that the set represents a transition between the established practices of journalism and the possibilities opened up with digitization, thus combining written texts with digital language that allows experimentation, seeking their own and independent production of content because their authors are able to this focused on written and visual language, thus maintaining the informative genres with greater frequency with little difference to those of interpretation and opinion. They make contributions with a journalistic approach because they address current issues and open spaces for the construction of blogging communities. Relations withnewspapers are complementary because they do not depend on each other in sources or publication schedules, although the design and structure criteria are divided, the principles of journalism are also partially found in the open transition process.