Google imágenes, profesiones, género y sexualidad

  1. Jiménez-Sánchez, Álvaro 1
  2. Vayas-Ruiz, Eliza 1
  3. Palacios Amancha, Carlos 1
  4. Endara, Fernando 1
  1. 1 Universidad Técnica de Ambato

    Universidad Técnica de Ambato

    Ambato, Ecuador


GIGAPP: Estudios Working Papers

ISSN: 2174-9515

Year of publication: 2021

Issue Title: Número Especial RICE. Comunicación más allá de los medios, educomunicacíón, instituciones y construcción cultural

Volume: 8

Issue: 190-212

Pages: 207-223

Type: Article

More publications in: GIGAPP: Estudios Working Papers


Google images has become one of the leading visual dictionaries worldwide. Every day, thousands of users search for images of all kinds, and the selections that are made serve Google to continue improving in the new searches by feedback with the preferences of the users themselves. Thus, Google images represent part of a country's collective visual unconscious, and therefore, like its citizens, the images shown may contain different biases such as gender or sexuality. Within the immense range of categories that Google can offer, the research focuses on the images offered related to the workplace. More than 100 professions and their differences between grammatical gender were analyzed according to the sexuality shown (none / implicit / explicit). In total, more than 17,500 images, 50 for each profession, and for each one, its male and female version. The results denote biases in certain professions, where the female gender is much more sexualized and underrepresented than the male. It is concluded that the labor sexual discrimination found is a reflection and result of the visual meanings of a society, and therefore, although Google is not guilty of the preferences of its users, but it should take more responsibility and take measures with sexuality and sexism.

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