Revisitar la soberanía indígenalos desafíos de una reivindicación excluida

  1. Valentin CLAVÉ-MERCIER 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Relaciones internacionales

ISSN: 1699-3950

Any de publicació: 2018

Títol de l'exemplar: Hacia una reflexión en torno a las Relaciones Internacionales

Número: 38

Tipus: Article


Altres publicacions en: Relaciones internacionales


On the 14th of September 2017, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) reached its tenth birthday. Often celebrated as an important victory for indigenous peoples, this paper however addresses a missing issue in UNDRIP which is central in numerous indigenous struggles: the sovereignty question. I begin by exploring the historic evolution of the sovereignty concept in political theory and in international relations, before looking into the indigenous conceptualization of the term. Subsequently, I analyse sovereignty and self-determination claims and practices in three of the four countries that voted against UNDRIP in 2007: New Zealand, Australia and Canada. This analysis enables the examination of different possible sovereign models to recognise indigenous sovereignty and the sketch of their corresponding politico-spatial configurations. Throughout this paper I try to constantly test the classic and allegedly unbreakable relation between sovereignty, absolute authority and indisputable territoriality. Finally, I conclude by highlighting the need for a transdisciplinary approach to understand the indigenous sovereignty claim, and the call for transformation of international relations, domestic politics and international law to move towards its recognition and realization.

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