Perfilación espacial mediante aprendizaje no supervisado de la opinión que distintos colectivos profesionales tienen respecto a la población juvenil nativa y extranjera

  1. Grimaldo Santamaría, Rolando Oscar 1
  2. Ruiz Fincias, María Inmaculada
  1. 1 Universidad Pontificia Comillas

    Universidad Pontificia Comillas

    Madrid, España


Sociología y tecnociencia: Revista digital de sociología del sistema tecnocientífico

ISSN: 1989-8487

Datum der Publikation: 2021

Titel der Ausgabe: The Impact of Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Learning Systems, and Science

Ausgabe: 11

Nummer: 2

Seiten: 37-52

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.24197/ST.EXTRA_2.2021.37-52 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Andere Publikationen in: Sociología y tecnociencia: Revista digital de sociología del sistema tecnocientífico


The article aims to determine the existence of profiles as a function of the grouping of opinions held by the Spanish law enforcement agencies (FFCCSE, in Spanish), the professionals engaged in direct social intervention with minors and population dedicated to work-related occupations concerning the native and foreign juvenile population in Spain. For the above ends, a descriptive cross-sectional study was undertaken. The sample was made of 183 participants, equitably divided between the professional groups involved. The information was collected by means of applying a self-administered questionnaire developed ad hoc for this research. The data analysis was done through a method of unsupervised learning of dimension reduction, multiple correspondence analysis, to especially characterize the behavior of the study variables, positive, negative or neutral opinion according to the occupation of the individual responder, and the origin of the child or adolescent. Among the main findings there is evidence that the FFCCSE is the profesional collective most associated with negative comments, especially towards children and adolescents from the Maghreb. The direct intervention professionals with minors are most associated with positive comments, with those minors coming from Sub-Saharian Africa receiving the highest evaluations. The multivariate multiple correspondence analysis is a particularly adequate tool to spatially characterize underlying structures of the data (profiles).

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