Approximation to the economic cost of healthcare for hypertensive patients diagnosed with COVID-19
- Calderón-Moreno, J.
- Delgado-Rodriguez, M.J.
- Juárez-Vela, R.
- Tejada-Garrido, C.I.
- de Viñaspre-Hernández, R.R.
- Burgos-Esteban, A.
- Sánchez-Conde, P.
- Andreu-Fernández, V.
- Gea-Caballero, V.
- Santos-Sanchez, J.A.
- Quintana-Diaz, M.
- Andrés-Esteban, E.M.
Frontiers in Public Health
ISSN: 2296-2565
Argitalpen urtea: 2024
Alea: 12
Mota: Artikulua