Escala de retroalimentación estudiantil sobre la gestión didáctica en entornos virtuales

  1. Ana D. Jiménez
  2. Tomás Fontaines-Ruiz
  3. Jonathan N. Herrera-Peña
  4. Mercedes Sánchez-Barba
Formación Universitaria

ISSN: 0718-5006

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 16

Issue: 6

Pages: 81-92

Type: Article

More publications in: Formación Universitaria


The aim of this research was to construct and validate a scale that measures the factors considered by students to provide feedback on teaching practices in virtual environments. The scale underwent an analytical process that involved expert evaluation, exploratory factor analysis, assessment of item response model fit to observed data using the Rating Scale Model, and confirmatory factor analysis. The scale consisted of three factors that accounted for 66.4% of the variance associated with didactic feedback on instructional management. The factorial model shows evidence of good fit and a global reliability of 0.962 is reported. It is concluded that the generated instrument provides evidence of validity and reliability, enabling its availability to the teaching and research community to further enhance the value of feedback as a source for continuous improvement of instructional practices.

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