Análisis del nivel de consumo de alcohol en estudiantes universitarios

  1. Pilco Guadalupe , Gina Alexandra
  2. Santos Pazos, Diego Armando
  3. Erazo Salcedo , Luis Gonzalo
  4. Ponce Guerra , César Eduardo Ponce Guerra
Revista PUCE

ISSN: 1390-7719

Ano de publicación: 2016

Volume: 1

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista PUCE


Alcohol is one of the most widely consumed and addictive legal substances in the world. Young adults face various behavioral changes in the face of new experiences such as entering higher education. In this eagerness to change, habits can arise that lead to serious problems such as the harmful consumption of alcohol. The aim of this research was to evaluate alcohol consumption in terms of frequency, quantity, influence of gender and careers studied by university students in order to modify consumption behaviors in the initial stages. A quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive-comparative study was carried out using the AUDIT questionnaire, created by the World Health Organization (Adewuya, 2005). The analysis of the results was carried out with the SPSS statistical package (version 25.0), which made it possible to identify that consumption does not depend on gender, as opposed to the career they are studying at the university. In addition, a significant percentage of the study sample was observed in the level of risky drinker.

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