La familia de crianzauna mirada comparada entre Estados Unidos y Colombia

  1. Martínez-Muñoz, Karol Ximena
  2. Rodríguez-Yong, Camilo Andrés
Revista de Derecho Privado

ISSN: 2346-2442 0123-4366

Year of publication: 2020

Issue Title: Julio-Diciembre

Issue: 39

Type: Article

DOI: 10.18601/01234366.N39.05 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Revista de Derecho Privado

Sustainable development goals


The appearance of new social realities has led to the conception and pro­tection of family forms different from those based on legal ties or consanguinity. In this way, mechanisms to protect family structures originated from a factual situation accompanied by ties of affection, solidarity and protection have been developed. In the Colombian case, jurisprudence has developed the concept of “foster family”. On the other hand, in the American union the courts have resorted to the doctrines of in loco parentis and equitable adoption.

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