University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center-ko ikertzaileekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (18)


  1. Circulating Tumor and Immune Cells for Minimally Invasive Risk Stratification of Smoldering Multiple Myeloma

    Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, Vol. 28, Núm. 21, pp. 4771-4781

  2. International Consensus Classification of Myeloid Neoplasms and Acute Leukemias: integrating morphologic, clinical, and genomic data

    Blood, Vol. 140, Núm. 11, pp. 1200-1228


  1. Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition)

    European Journal of Immunology, Vol. 49, Núm. 10, pp. 1457-1973


  1. A global reference for human genetic variation

    Nature, Vol. 526, Núm. 7571, pp. 68-74

  2. Use of ENCODE resources to characterize novel proteoforms and missing proteins in the human proteome

    Journal of Proteome Research, Vol. 14, Núm. 2, pp. 603-608


  1. An integrated map of genetic variation from 1,092 human genomes

    Nature, Vol. 491, Núm. 7422, pp. 56-65