Francos Quijorna
Profesor Permanente Laboral

Publicacions en què col·labora amb Artemi Cerdà (8)
Mapping Ash CaCO3, pH, and Extractable Elements Using Principal Component Analysis
Soil Mapping and Process Modeling for Sustainable Land Use Management (Elsevier Inc.), pp. 319-334
Mapping ash properties using principal components analysis
European Geosciences Union General Assembly. EGU 2017
Perception of prescribed and wildfires in Macizo de Caroig. Eastern Spain
International Congress of Prescribed Fires (ICOPFIRES)
Slash and Burn agriculture contributes to high sediment and water losses in Macizo del Caroig. Eastern Spain
International congress on prescribed fires (icopfires)
White versus Black ash. The impact of ash depth in runoff generation
International Congress of Prescribed Fires (ICOPFIRES)
Long-term changes in soil erosion due to forest fires : rainfall simulation approach in Eastern Spain
EGU 2016
Plant species determine the runoff rates in the Massis del Caroig Shrubland
4º congreso Biohydrology
The role of forest fire severity on vegetation recovery after 18 years. Implications for forest management of Quercus suber L. in Iberian Peninsula
Global and Planetary Change, Vol. 145, pp. 11-16