Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Meritxell Alcañiz (20)


  1. Aprobación y ejecución de planes forestales en Cataluña

    VI Congreso Fuegored

  2. Changes in soil chemical properties after prescribed fires in Catalonia (Spain)

    5th International Conferences of Fire Effects on Soil Properties (FESP 5)

  3. Changes in some soil parameters of three periods after a wild fire

    5th International Conferences of Fire Effects on Soil Properties (FESP 5)

  4. Hydriphobicity and infiltration capacity in a forest soil after a wildfire and a heavy rainfall

    5th International Conferences of Fire Effects on Soil Properties (FESP 5)

  5. Procesos de aprendizaje social como consecuencia de los grandes incendios forestales

    VI Congreso Fuegored


  1. Incendios forestales y la interfaz urbano forestal

    VIII Simposio Latino-Americano de Geografía Física y IV Simposio Ibero-Americano de Geografía Física. Santiago de Chile, Chile 2014.