Publicaciones en las que colabora con Alicia García Holgado (5)


  1. Data set for the study "Perception Disparity between Women and Men on the Gender Gap in STEM at a Spanish University"

    Data set for the study "Perception Disparity between Women and Men on the Gender Gap in STEM at a Spanish University"

  2. Data set for the study "Perception Disparity between Women and Men on the Gender Gap in STEM at a Spanish University"

    Data set for the study "Perception Disparity between Women and Men on the Gender Gap in STEM at a Spanish University"


  1. Access and Dropout in Engineering and Architecture Studies. A Preliminary Study with a Gender Perspective

    Lecture Notes in Educational Technology (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), pp. 431-439


  1. Mentoring for future female engineers: Pilot at the Higher Polytechnic School of Zamora

    Proceedings - 11th International Conference on Virtual Campus, JICV 2021