Gutiérrez Alonso
Profesor Titular de Universidad
López Carmona
Alicia López Carmona-rekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (12)
Geochronology and detrital zircons sources from the Sierra Albarrana Domain (SW Iberian Massif)
Geogaceta, Núm. 73, pp. 71-74
Hf isotopes in detrital zircon grains of the Sierra Albarrana Domain (SW Iberian Massif): Eburnean v. Archean basement signatures
Journal of the Geological Society, Vol. 180, Núm. 3
Neoproterozoic–paleozoic detrital sources in the variscan foreland of northern iberia: Primary v. recycled sediments
Geological Society Special Publication (Geological Society of London), pp. 563-588
An extensive K-bentonite as an indicator of a super-eruption in northern Iberia 477 My ago
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Contrasting metamorphic gradients: Barrovian-type vs. high-pressure metamorphism. An example on the northern margin of Gondwana (NW Iberia)
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Petrologic and thermobarometric study of the Riás schists (NW Iberian Massif)
Boletín geológico y minero, Vol. 130, Núm. 3, pp. 445-464
Crustal melting and recycling: geochronology and sources of Variscan syn-kinematic anatectic granitoids of the Tormes Dome (Central Iberian Zone). A U–Pb LA-ICP-MS study
International Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 107, Núm. 3, pp. 985-1004
Episodic melting and magmatic recycling along 50 Ma in the Variscan belt linked to the orogenic evolution in NW Iberia
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Exhuming a cold case: The early granodiorites of the northwest Iberian Variscan belt-A Visean magmatic flare-up?
Lithosphere, Vol. 10, Núm. 2, pp. 194-216
Thermodynamic modelling of metamorphic processes: State of the art in pseudosection approach
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
U-Pb geochronolgy of the deformed Juzbado Granite (Salamanca, NW Spain)
Geogaceta, Núm. 64, pp. 163-166