Josep Daniel
Asís Pardo
Catedrático de Universidad

University of Würzburg
Wurzburgo, AlemaniaPublications in collaboration with researchers from University of Würzburg (4)
Low host specialization in the cuckoo wasp, parnopes grandior, weakens chemical mimicry but does not lead to local adaption
Insects, Vol. 11, Núm. 2
Strong phylogenetic constraint on transition metal incorporation in the mandibles of the hyper-diverse Hymenoptera (Insecta)
Organisms Diversity and Evolution, Vol. 20, Núm. 3, pp. 511-526
Post-mating shift towards longer-chain cuticular hydrocarbons drastically reduces female attractiveness to males in a digger wasp
Journal of Insect Physiology, Vol. 100, pp. 119-127