Álvarez Fernández
Catedrático de Universidad
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Barcelona, EspañaPublications in collaboration with researchers from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (17)
Cervidae antlers exploited to manufacture prehistoric tools and hunting implements as a reliable source of ancient DNA
Heliyon, Vol. 10, Núm. 11
Feet on the ground: Marine archaeomalacology resources during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the Iberian Peninsula
Quaternary International, Vol. 680, pp. 17-35
Subsistence Strategies in the Lower Magdalenian at El Cierro Cave (Ribadesella, Asturias, Spain)
The Zacatín rock shelter (Granada, Spain): New data on the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the south-eastern Iberian coast
Quaternary International, Vol. 680, pp. 36-54
New insights into the use and circulation of reindeer antler in northern Iberia during the Magdalenian (ca. 21-13 cal ka BP)
Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol. 150
A new approach to the Early Iron Age shell midden of El Ostrero (Camargo, Cantabria, Spain)
New trends in Iberian zooarchaeology (Universidade de Lisboa. Faculdade de Letras), pp. 111-123
New data for the early Holocene in North-East Iberia: the faunal record at Cova del Solà del Pep (l'Hospitalet de l'lnfant, Tarragona, Spain)
New trends in Iberian zooarchaeology (Universidade de Lisboa. Faculdade de Letras), pp. 35-44
Surf and turf. Animal resources in the human diet in Cantabrian Spain during the Mesolithic (11.5 – 7.5 Ky cal. BP)
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 45
Palaeoenvironmental and chronological context of human occupations at El Cierro cave (Northern Spain) during the transition from the late Upper Pleistocene to the early Holocene
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 29
Amber in Portugal: State of the art
Yacimientos Paleontológicos Excepcionales en la Península Ibérica: XXXIV Jornadas de Paleontología y IV Congreso Ibérico de Paleontología (Instituto Geológico y Minero de España), pp. 279-287
Bone industry of the Lower Magdalenian in Cantabrian Spain: The square-section antler points of El Cierro Cave
Quaternary International, Vol. 472, pp. 13-22
Surviving on the isle of Formentera (Balearic Islands): Adaptation of economic behaviour by Bronze Age first settlers to an extreme insular environment
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 12, pp. 860-875
Aportación al estudio arqueozoológico de la Cueva de Arangas (Cabrales, Asturias): los conjuntos paleolíticos de la campaña de 2007
Férvedes: Revista de investigación, Núm. 8, pp. 75-84
El poblamiento en el valle del Asón durante la Prehistoria: la cueva del Aspio (Ruesga, Cantabria)
Férvedes: Revista de investigación, Núm. 8, pp. 133-141
La cueva de El Pindal (Pimiango, Ribadedeva, Asturias): revisión de los materiales conservados en el Museo Arqueológico de Asturias
Nailos: Estudios Interdisciplinares de Arqueología, Núm. 2, pp. 191-210
Nuevos datos sobre el final del Paleolítico Superior en el curso bajo del río Sella (Asturias, España)
Férvedes: Revista de investigación, Núm. 8, pp. 123-132
Redescobrint Cap de Barbaria II (Formentera): resultats de la 6ª campanya d’excavacions arqueològiques
V jornades d'Arqueologia de les Illes Balears: Palma, 28 a 30 de setembre, 2012