María Mercedes
Martos Partal
Catedrática de Universidad
José María
Labeaga Azcona
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with José María Labeaga Azcona (6)
Why do SMEs switch suppliers?
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. 37, Núm. 7, pp. 1463-1474
Impact of SMEs strategy on loyalty: the hairdresser case
Spanish journal of marketing-ESIC, Vol. 23, Núm. 2, pp. 273-293
The double jeopardy loyalty effect using discrete choice models
International Journal of Market Research, Vol. 52, Núm. 5
A Proposal to Distinguish State Dependence and Unobserved Heterogeneity in Binary Brand Choice Models
Documentos de trabajo ( FEDEA )
Behavioural loyalty towards store brands
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 14, Núm. 5, pp. 347-356
Testing the Double Jeopardy Loyalty Effect Using Discrete Choice Models
Documentos de trabajo ( FEDEA )