Palacios Riocerezo
Profesor Titular de Universidad
Universidad de Zaragoza
Zaragoza, EspañaPublications in collaboration with researchers from Universidad de Zaragoza (40)
Body temperature and heart rate variability, and their circadian rhythms in sheep as measured by biologgers
Small Ruminant Research, Vol. 243
Applied research note: comparison of the locomotor activity and circadian rhythm in 3 strains of laying hens as measured by tri-axial accelerometers
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, Vol. 33, Núm. 4
Densitometric analysis of GnRH and IBA1 immunocytochemistry in the basal ventromedial hypothalamus of the ewe
Theriogenology, Vol. 227, pp. 112-119
Effect of exogenous melatonin on body temperature of slow-growing chickens, measured by injectable transponders
11th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming
Utilizing GPS devices and remote sensing data to characterize grazing patterns and terrain occupancy of Hispano-Breton mares in the Spanish Pyrenees
11th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming
Anatomy of hypothalamic and diencephalic nuclei involved in seasonal fertility regulation in ewes
Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Vol. 10
Body temperature, heart rate, and locomotor activity measured by bio-loggers before and after a progestogen+eCG treatment for artificial insemination in sheep: Effect of pregnancy
Animal Production Science
The Conquense transhumance route in Spain described by 3D geographical information systems, GPS and remote sensing data
Small Ruminant Research, Vol. 221
Use of Acheta domesticus meal as a full soybean substitute in the feeding of slow-growing chicks
Poultry Science, Vol. 102, Núm. 4
Bio-loggers inserted in intravaginal sponges, or subcutaneously, as tools to measure body temperature
Animal Biotelemetry, Vol. 10, Núm. 1
Efficiency of Artificial Insemination at Natural Estrus in Organic Churra Ewes
Veterinary Sciences, Vol. 9, Núm. 7
Exposure of rams in sexual rest to sexually activated males in spring increases plasma LH and testosterone concentrations
Theriogenology, Vol. 192, pp. 116-121
GPS monitoring reveals circadian rhythmicity in free-grazing sheep
Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Vol. 251
GPS, LiDAR and VNIR data to monitor the spatial behavior of grazing sheep
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology, Vol. 10, Núm. 2
Influence of Mediterranean climate and lunar calendar on milk production in Lacaune breed ewes
International Journal of Biometeorology, Vol. 66, Núm. 6, pp. 1191-1197
Measuring lamb activity during lactation by actigraphy
Chronobiology International, Vol. 39, Núm. 10, pp. 1368-1380
Performance of Slow-Growing Chickens Fed with Tenebrio molitor Larval Meal as a Full Replacement for Soybean Meal
Veterinary Sciences, Vol. 9, Núm. 3
Using subcutaneous bio-loggers to monitor circadian rhythmicity of temperature, heart rate and activity in sheep under intensive housing conditions
Biological Rhythm Research, Vol. 53, Núm. 11, pp. 1711-1719
¿Es eficaz el sistema PRV para la oveja castellana?
Albéitar: publicación veterinaria independiente, Núm. 255, pp. 30-34