Publicaciones en las que colabora con Manuel Rodríguez Martín (23)


  1. Applications of Infrared Thermography to the Analysis of Steel Welded Junction

    Advances in Materials Science Research (NOVA Science Publishers)

  2. Crack-Depth Prediction in Steel Based on Cooling Rate

    Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 2016

  3. Macro-photogrammetry as a tool for the accurate measurement of three-dimensional misalignment in welding

    Automation in Construction, Vol. 71, Núm. Part 2, pp. 189-197

  4. Thermographic test for the geometric characterization of cracks in welding using IR image rectification

    Automation in Construction, Vol. 61, pp. 58-65


  1. Prediction of depth model for cracks in steel using infrared thermography

    Infrared Physics and Technology, Vol. 71, pp. 492-500

  2. Procedure for quality inspection of welds based on macro-photogrammetric three-dimensional reconstruction

    Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 73, pp. 54-62

  3. Termografía activa y fotogrametría de objeto cercano para la detección, medición y evaluación de defectos e imperfecciones en uniones soldadas

    Termografía activa y fotogrametría de objeto cercano para la detección, medición y evaluación de defectos e imperfecciones en uniones soldadas