Publications (64) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. "Britain's broken up with me": the symbol of the break-up in transformative practices of dissent by transnational artists in the UK

    45th AEDEAN Conference: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad de Extremadura, november 16,18 2022 Cáceres

  2. "Me Contradigo / Yo me Transformo": the multiplicity of selves and the transgression of the Motomami idiolect

    45th AEDEAN Conference: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad de Extremadura, november 16,18 2022 Cáceres

  3. "No soy un estereotipo": reflexión sobre y creación de buenos modelos

    El videojuego como recurso pedagógico (Secretaría General Técnica. Centro de Publicaciones. Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional), pp. 112-126

  4. "What a blessing to be Earth loving Earth": the Anthropocene reviewed and John Green's search for personal meaning in an unstable world

    45th AEDEAN Conference: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad de Extremadura, november 16,18 2022 Cáceres

  5. A Multimodal Approach to Challenging Gender Stereotypes in Children’ s Picture Books

    Nexus, Núm. 1, pp. 58-60

  6. African American gothic and horror fiction: an interview with Maisha Wester

    REDEN (2019): Revista Española de Estudios Norteamericanos, Vol. 3, Núm. 2, pp. 159-174

  7. Allegorising Surveillance Capitalism: Westworld’s Science-Fictional and Metafictional Pastiche

    Moving beyond the pandemic: English and American studies in Spain

  8. Aprendizaje Informal con TIC en formato Blended learning. Un diseño para Inglés avanzado

    La Docencia tiene Tic: un guiño al nuevo discente (Tirant lo Blanch), pp. 297-309

  9. Asistente-Lectura-Fácil-INICO: una aplicaciónde ayuda para la adaptación a lectura fácil

    Transformación digital para una educación inclusiva: libro de actas, 20, 21 y 22 de octubre de 2021

  10. Book Review:Bruce, Ian. 2020. Expressing Critical Thinking through Literary Texts.

    LFE: Revista de lenguas para fines específicos, Vol. 28, Núm. 1, pp. 267-271

  11. Cartographies of inclusion/exclusion and contested belongings in Raquel Cepeda's "Bird of Paradise: How I became a Latina"

    45th AEDEAN Conference: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad de Extremadura, november 16,18 2022 Cáceres

  12. Charting the streets of Washington, D.C.: urban inhospitality in Edward P. Jones's "Lost in the City"

    45th AEDEAN Conference: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad de Extremadura, november 16,18 2022 Cáceres

  13. Comparison of the context provision and imagination elicitation approaches to learning emotional vocabulary

    Language Teaching Research

  14. Conceptualizations of English and ELF-awareness among EMI and ESP instructors at university

    39º Congreso internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA) = 39th International Conference of the Spanish Society for Applied Linguistics (AESLA)

  15. Conceptualizing migration in multimodal narratives for children

    45th AEDEAN Conference: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad de Extremadura, november 16,18 2022 Cáceres

  16. Deconstructing Persuasive Communication in Perfume Advertising

    Mediaciones comunicativas (Thomson Reuters Aranzadi), pp. 273-280

  17. Digging the archive: unearthing cultural memory in suzan-lori parks’ father comes home from the wars

    Miradas transversales en torno al teatro: nuevas perspectivas críticas (Diablotexto Digital), pp. 141-161

  18. Don Quixote as gamer?

    Science Fiction Film and Television, Vol. 15, Núm. 2, pp. 193-217

  19. Dunna Say Thatten, for Lord's Sake!: a third-wave sociolinguistic approach to non-standard negation in Late Modern Derbyshire dialect

    45th AEDEAN Conference: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad de Extremadura, november 16,18 2022 Cáceres

  20. El Quijote Transnacional -- (Round table)

    45th AEDEAN Conference: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad de Extremadura, november 16,18 2022 Cáceres