Conference papers (20) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. Avoiding the dark energy coincidence problem with a cosmic vector

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  2. Chiral corrections to transverse vector meson couplings

    Proceedings of Science

  3. Coherent neutrino scattering

    Acta Physica Polonica B

  4. Comparison of models of neutrino-nucleus interactions

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  5. Cosmological density perturbations in modified gravity theories

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  6. Cosmological magnetic fields

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series

  7. Coupled channel description for X(3872) and other XYZ mesons

    Proceedings of Science

  8. Diseño, construcción e integración de un robot móvil autónomo en MissionLab

    XXX Jornadas de Automática: Palacio de Congresos Conde Ansúrez, 2-4 de septiembre 2009

  9. Disparidad de destrezas previas en alumnos que acceden a primer curso de grados científico-técnicos

    INECE 2009: III Jornadas internacionales UPM sobre innovación educativa y convergencia europea : Madrid, 24, 25 y 26 de noviembre de 2009

  10. Enhancing the transfer of 238U and 226Ra from soils to Brassica juncea


  11. Experiencia docente universitaria de Física en el marco de programas intercambio internacionales

    Experiencias de innovación docente universitaria: [I Congreso Internacional de Intercambio de Experiencias de Innovación Docente Universitaria]

  12. Fermi liquids in compact astrophysical objects under strong magnetic fields

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  13. Fermi liquids in compact astrophysical objects under strong magnetic fields


  14. Generalizing twisted gauge invariance

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  15. Global fit of αs(Mz) to thrust at N3LL order with power corrections

    Proceedings of Science

  16. Marginally outer trapped surfaces and symmetries

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  17. Neutrino induced weak pion production off the nucleon and coherent pion production in nuclei at low energies

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  18. On the dark energy rest frame and the CMB

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  19. Optical and magnetotranspor characterization of Solar-Grade MC-silicon wafers

    24h European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition / 5th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion

  20. Quantum fluctuations around low-dimensional topological defects

    Proceedings of Science