Publicaciones en colaboración con investigadores/as de Universidad de Cantabria (51)


  1. New insights into the use and circulation of reindeer antler in northern Iberia during the Magdalenian (ca. 21-13 cal ka BP)

    Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol. 150

  2. Outils ert Méthodes d´étude de l´art préhistorique

    L´Art préhistorique de l´Atlantique à la Méditerranée. Musée d´Aquitaine (Musée d´Aquitaine. Errance & Picard, Bordeaux)

  3. SELLA 2020 Introduction

    Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

  4. Unravelling the skills and motivations of Magdalenian artists in the depths of Atxurra Cave (Northern Spain)

    Scientific Reports, Vol. 13, Núm. 1


  1. A new approach to the Early Iron Age shell midden of El Ostrero (Camargo, Cantabria, Spain)

    New trends in Iberian zooarchaeology (Universidade de Lisboa. Faculdade de Letras), pp. 111-123


  1. Arte parietal paleolítico de la cueva de Alkerdi 2 (Urdazubi/Urdax, Navarra)

    Trabajos de arqueología Navarra, Núm. 31, pp. 355-361

  2. From cave geomorphology to Palaeolithic human behaviour: speleogenesis, palaeoenvironmental changes and archaeological insight in the Atxurra-Armiña cave (northern Iberian Peninsula)

    Journal of Quaternary Science, Vol. 35, Núm. 6, pp. 841-853

  3. Modelled clay animals in Aitzbitarte IV Cave: A unique Palaeolithic rock art site in the Cantabrian Region

    Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 31

  4. Motion and Gesture: Analysing Artistic Skills in Palaeolithic Art

    Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, Vol. 27, Núm. 3, pp. 561-584

  5. New data for the late Upper Palaeolithic in the Cantabrian region: Arangas Cave (Cabrales, Asturias, Spain)

    Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 29

  6. Palaeoenvironmental and chronological context of human occupations at El Cierro cave (Northern Spain) during the transition from the late Upper Pleistocene to the early Holocene

    Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 29

  7. Redefining shared symbolic networks during the Gravettian in Western Europe: New data from the rock art findings in Aitzbitarte caves (Northern Spain)

    PLoS ONE, Vol. 15, Núm. 10 October

  8. Sporadic occupation in Armiña cave during the Upper Magdalenian: What for?

    Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 30

  9. The cave of Atxurra: A new major Magdalenian rock art sanctuary in Northern Spain

    Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 29