Book chapters (5) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. "The Account Book of William Wray": An Evaluation of Yorkshire Lexis in Two Inventories (1599, 1600)

    New trends and methodologies in applied English language research (Peter Lang), pp. 101-128

  2. A corpus-based analysis of reader positioning: Robert Mugabe as a pattern in the Guardian newspaper

    Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics Conference 2009 (CL2009), ( University of Liverpool, 2009), pp. 395

  3. Exposing Blackness as Canadian (Literary) Identity. George Elliott Clarke's George and Rue

    Canada exposed = Le Canada à découvert (Berlin: Peter Lang), pp. 177-194

  4. Hing th' reckans up o'th rannel-bawke: Regional dialect words in late seventeenth-century North-East Yorkshire

    So long lives this, and this gives life to thee: Homenagem a Maria Helena de Paiva Correia (Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras), pp. 253-273

  5. ‘The account book of William Wray': an evaluation of Yorkshire lexis in two inventories (1599-1600)

    New trends and methodologies in applied English language research: diachronic, diatopic and contrastive studies (Peter Lang), pp. 101-128