Desenganchados de la educaciónprocesos, experiencias, motivaciones y estrategias del abandono y del fracaso escolar
- Mena Martínez, Luis
- Fernández Enguita, Mariano
- Rivière Gómez, Jaime
ISSN: 0034-8082
Year of publication: 2010
Issue Title: Abandono temprano de la educación y la formación
Issue: 1
Pages: 119-145
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de educación
Sustainable development goals
This paper presents the results of a resarch on early school dropout and school failure performed by the Department of Sociology at the University of Salamanca. The basic idea, already shown in another research, is that early school dropout is the outcome of a gradual process of disengagement from the school of those who end up dropping out before obtaining a post-secondary degree. The various aspects of the failure processes should be seen, from this point of view, as symptoms of this gradual and previous disengagement of the pupil from the institution. The aim of this article is to present the steps and elements of this process as they arise from the information at hand. With this goal in mind, we have compiled a database of school records (academic, disciplinary and orientation records) of students aged between 16 and over 25 who had already quit the educational system in the academic year 2007-08 and we have interviewed students who dropped out recently. From this information we have generated a number of profiles on the pupil academic behaviour . We are also in disposition to formulate a critique of diversification measures, and we verify the scarce weight of disciplinary problems in the dropout process. From the point of view of students, five aspects appear as key elements of the dropout: (1) the relative attraction of the transition to labour life, (2) the gradual loss of motivation with the vital offer from the school; (3) changes among centers; (4) the effect of incompetent teachers and (5) the understanding of dropout as a personal success �as a tactical win�. All these aspects appear in the student discourse as key elements in the school dropout process.
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