Algunas Notas sobre Domingo de Soto y la Prehistoria del Estado de Naturaleza Hobbesiano || Some notes about Domingo de Soto and the prehistory of Hobbe’s state of nature

  1. Jiménez Castaño, David 1
  1. 1 Profesor asociado del Departamento de filosofía, lógica y estética de la Universidad de Salamanca
Cuadernos electrónicos de filosofía del derecho

ISSN: 1138-9877

Année de publication: 2015

Número: 31

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Cuadernos electrónicos de filosofía del derecho


The aim of this brief work is to show some relations that can be drawn between the political theories of the Spanish theologian Domingo de Soto and the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes. In fact, what we want to prove is that Soto’s concept of dominion and his opinions about the state of man after the fall have some presence in the state of nature that Hobbes uses to demonstrate the necessity of the State. 

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