Ser o no ser un perfil en internet. Investigadores americanistas y sus textos como parte del engranaje de lo digital

  1. Escandell Montiel, Daniel
  2. Cruz Suárez, Juan Carlos
Anuario americanista europeo

ISSN: 1729-9004

Year of publication: 2014

Issue Title: Ciencias sociales y humanidades digitales en los estudios latinoamericanos

Issue: 12

Type: Article


To be or not to be: the internet profile. Americanist researchers and their texts as cogs in the digital wheel The role of researchers, in the face of the modern world�s info-pollution and Digital Humanities saturation, leads them to reinforce their presence in digital spheres, in order to promote their identity and give due prominence to their work. The Americanist must also face an academic tradition that has yet to fully embrace the digital paradigm. This article reflects on the determining factors for a researcher � the pluses and minuses of building a web presence in the �glocalized� world � and concludes by introducing the Latinoamericana platform as a case study.