Visiones femeninas en torno al espacio de la obra

  1. Amorós Blasco, María Lorena
Investigaciones feministas

ISSN: 2171-6080

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 3

Pages: 73-83

Type: Article

More publications in: Investigaciones feministas


From an iconographic perspective, the relation of home-body/body-home is still a common topic in the discourse on contemporary art and feminine imagery. What is known today as the cultural creation of feminine subjectivity was already present in the work of artists, historians, and art critics in the feminism of the seventies. This investigation analyzes the progress achieved through the work of women artists (mainly: Eulalia Valldosera and Marina Abramovic) in relation to the discussion on the subjugated space in the structure of patriarchal household where femininity is defined by activities and domestic work and where the public has a significant value because it diminishes transcendence the private space associated with women.

Bibliographic References

  • LAUB, M. (2004): Marina Abramovic. The Biography of Biographies, Italia, Charta.
  • J.A.RAMIREZ y J. CARRILLO (eds.) (2004): Tendencias del arte, arte de tendencias a principios del siglo XXI, Madrid, Ensayos Arte Cátedra.
  • JONES, A. (1998): Body Art. Performing the subjects, Minneapolis/London, University of Minnesota Press.
  • WEISS, G. (1999): Body Images: embodiment as intercorporeality, New York/London, Routledge.
  • BASSAS, A. (2001): “Cuerpo que te quiero cuerpo. Imágenes del cuerpo y nociones de subjetividad en la producción de artistas contemporáneas”, en M. Azpeitia, M.J. Barral, L.E. Díaz, T. González Cortés, E. Moreno, T. Yago (eds.) Piel que habla. Viaje a través de los cuerpos femeninos, Barcelona, Icaria. 111-138.