El espacio del cuerpo y de la voz en los registros audiovisuales de las performances de Theresa Hak Kyung Cha

  1. Pol Colmenares, Ana B. 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Salamanca

    Universidad de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España

    ROR https://ror.org/02f40zc51

Prisma Social: revista de investigación social

ISSN: 1989-3469

Year of publication: 2017

Issue Title: Investigación en Comunicación Audiovisual y Estudios de Género

Issue: 2

Pages: 260-290

Type: Article

More publications in: Prisma Social: revista de investigación social


The article analyzes three Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s performances with audiovisual records. The works serve to approach the use of the body in the performance practices of the seventies and in particular the representation of the female body by the artist and the dejerarchization of a perceptive regime that tends to prioritize the optical. In this sense, Cha gives special relevance to the voice and the tactile. The perceptive questions will serve in the analysis to approach from the phenomenology aspects that are related to sociocultural factors, so that they will appear problematic linked to the migrant condition of the artist and the exile. The experience of exile and its traumatic characteristics reverted in an artistic praxis that is going to manifest an analogous trauma of signification in the codes used.

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