Conocimientos matemáticos al acceder a la universidadUn estudio diacrónico (1999-2017) con estudiantes de Ingeniería
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 0210-5934, 2340-6577
Año de publicación: 2020
Volumen: 72
Número: 2
Páginas: 119-133
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Bordón: Revista de pedagogía
Although there are several studies on the mathematical knowledge of students who access university in Spain; those that cover long periods of time and that take into account the legislation about accessing university at each stage are scarce. METHOD. This study analyses the results of a basic calculus questionnaire carried out by 627 students accessing 8 undergraduate degrees of engineering for a period of 18 years —from 1999 to 2017— following two regulations for university admissions, which correspond to stages 1999-2010 and 2011-2017. The applied instrument included theoretical and practical questions, from which seven items related to logarithms, exponentials, derivation and integration have been selected. A diachronic study is carried out by grouping the data in eight biennia, five with the first regulation and three with the second, by means of proportions’ calculus and inferential analysis, including the study of effect size. RESULTS. Students have statistically different behaviour at each legislative stage, and the legislation for the stage 2011-2017 allows the generation of groups with different knowledge according to their choices and/or results in the university access examinations. The type of mathematical knowledge involved in the selected items is also relevant, showing better results in logarithms and exponentials and worse results in integration. DISCUSSION. The great variability of the mathematical level of the students who access undergraduate engineering degrees is shown, as well as the influence of the accessing legislation; those results could serve as reference for the design of future university entry examinations.
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