Twitter y poesía no creativa por Karen Villeda y Denise Audirac en su obra POETuitéame

  1. Daniel Escandell Montiel 1
  1. 1 Manchester Metropolitan University

    Manchester Metropolitan University

    Mánchester, Reino Unido


Literatura Mexicana

ISSN: 0188-2546 2448-8216

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 31

Issue: 1

Pages: 179-204

Type: Article

DOI: 10.19130/IIFL.LITMEX.31.1.2020.1147 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Literatura Mexicana


Abstract: This article studies the digital poetry work POETuitéame by Mexican authors Karen Villeda and Denise Audirac using the theories of conceptual art and non-creative writings of Kenneth Goldsmith, as well as the concepts of appropriation and the semionautic re-semantization of Nicolas Bourriaud. To do this, the article first establishes the panorama of digital poetry from the point of view of its reception, culminating in the emergence of tweet-poetry as a sample of the poetic writings in social networks. This tweetpoetry foundation is essential for the final execution of Villeda and Audirac’s work. Secondly, the theories of Goldsmith and Bourriaud are addressed as a main axis to finally address the study of the work POETuitéame and its non-creative and semionautic implications as a conceptual execution of 2.0 writing.

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