Marco teórico general para evaluar la lectura y diseñar prácticas para su enseñanza
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 0214-3402
Year of publication: 2021
Issue Title: Revistas pedagógicas
Issue: 27
Pages: 235-248
Type: Article
More publications in: Aula: Revista de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Salamanca
This article presents a general theoretical framework for the teaching of reading or a didactic model in which it sets out what skills are needed to improve reading comprehension, or better still, a framework that allows proactive strategies to be put in place, which «leave no child behind» and which allow early intervention in learning difficulties to prevent these from becoming more significant and resistant to educational actions. From a psycholinguistic perspective, the knowledge and processes involved in reading comprehension are identified and can be evaluated, taught, and improved, that is, a guide is proposed for designing reading teaching practices. The so-called non-specific aspects of reading (also common to oral language comprehension) are fundamentally reviewed, showing why they are necessary and how to evaluate them. The lexical skills of the reader, the processes of morphosyntactic analysis and semantic integration, the knowledge he or she has about the world, or a particular subject or discipline, and the knowledge he or she has about the organisational structures of texts are analysed.
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