Actitudes y cambios en las actitudes de los docentes extremeños hacia las altas capacidades, a través de la formación en el tratamiento educativo de estos alumnos

  1. Gómez Labrador, Carmen María
Supervised by:
  1. Benito León del Barco Director
  2. Margarita Gozalo Delgado Co-director
  3. Jesús Carlos Rubio Jiménez Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 25 March 2021

  1. Javier Tourón Figueroa Chair
  2. María Elena Felipe Castaño Secretary
  3. Cristina Jenaro Río Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 651365 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


This research aims to demonstrate how the specific training that teachers receive, in this case, on students with high intellectual abilities, is able to favorably modify previous beliefs and attitudes, stating that they don't optimize the educational care they need. Numerous studies consulted around the world guarantee that understanding what these students are like and what their needs are helps teachers to improve attitudes towards these students and their possibilities of educational response. In this study, we analyzed what these previous attitudes were in the participating teachers, 568 teachers and professors, for which we submitted the teachers to a previous descriptive study. Subsequently, a second study was carried out, with an experimental group of 167 participants, with which a quasi-experimental, pretest-posttest design was carried out, with a training course of different duration over time, to verify if the variable training time offered differences when eventually modify the attitudes of the teachers with whom the intervention was carried out. The results indicated that, effectively, the training favorably modifies some attitudes presented by the teachers, observing an improvement in terms of the subjective opinion that they have of the students after the training, towards the rejection that is initially supposed to these students and their difficulty in having good social relations an, especially ,in the consideration of educational measures with this student body, showing more predisposition towards the acceleration and flexibility of students with AACC in the school environment. More effective changes are evident in teachers undergoing a longer training course.