La modernidad o el drama de la identidadmáscara, lenguaje y memoria en Persona, de Ingmar Bergman.

  1. Vázquez Couto, David 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Salamanca

    Universidad de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España


Daimon: revista internacional de filosofía

ISSN: 1130-0507 1989-4651

Année de publication: 2016

Titre de la publication: Filosofía y cuerpo desde el pensamiento greco-romano hasta la actualidad. En memoria de Rocío Orsi Portalo

Número: 5

Pages: 347-356

Type: Article


D'autres publications dans: Daimon: revista internacional de filosofía


Persona (1966), by Ingmar Bergman, speculates about the absence of an essence, vain promise of a veiled idea behind the individual converted into an image of himself. To discern the being from the appearing and the thinking from the saying between reflections that are lost through the dark terrain of language awakens the consciousness of the communicative abyss that condemns man to a perpetual solitude. The man, actor and spectator of life, constructs the story of his existence following the fragile traces of memory. Persona is the conflict between the face and the mask; the modern drama of identity locked in the image that conceals dissimulates the truth of nothingness.

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