Why should teachers tell stories at class?narration for educative and identity purposes

  1. Santiago Sevilla Vallejo
Las tecnologías de información y comunicación para la innovación y el desarrollo
  1. Javier F. García (coord.)
  2. Teresa de león (coord.)
  3. Eduardo Orozco (coord.)

Éditorial: Humboldt International University

ISBN: 978-0-9915776-6-8

Année de publication: 2017

Pages: 287-308

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage


Although writing is part of every curriculum, it is usually taught in a theoretical manner. Creativity is also required because it provides a deep command of language, but there are some obstacles to put it in practice. This paper shows that a narrative approach to teaching includes both and it is very important because it helps to construct personal knowledge and is present in all human experiences. Narration is a meaningful learning structure, which improves the educative process, and guides the student to develop a strong and healthy identity. We are concerned about identity because it is essential for psychological development and since, as teachers, we should find ways to help students to get a complete human growth, we suggest working on narrative eases the student to obtain a deep knowledge, useful for class and life. In order to study student’s attitude toward narration, both academically and personally, we have developed Education and Identity Narrative, we have tested and we analyze the results to keep improving the scale for further research.