Presencia y uso de la música de los medios audiovisuales en los libros de texto de la asignatura de música en el nivel de educación primaria en la Región de Murcia

  1. Azorin Delegido, Jose Manuel
Dirigée par:
  1. Juan Carlos Montoya Rubio Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 19 décembre 2019

  1. Matilde María Olarte Martínez President
  2. María del Mar Bernabé Villodre Secrétaire
  3. Vicente Galbis López Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


Technological evolution has led that, today, it is difficult to spend a day without accessing some mass media, voluntarily or involuntarily, because they are practically immersed in the whole of our lives. In addition, media exert a powerful attraction for the human being. On the other hand, textbooks, despite having an aura of traditional and obsolete resources, according to official bodies they are still present in the Primary Education classrooms. Finally, Musical Education, a discipline that has been losing presence in the training of students since its inclusion in the Spanish school classrooms in the nineties, especially with the latest Organic Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality (LOMCE by its initials in Spanish). Since this law, Music became optional in most of the Spanish territory. It is here, at the confluence of these three realities, that the present thesis arises. The main objective of this work has been to analyze the presence and use made of the music of the audiovisual media in the textbooks of the subject of Music in Primary Education in the Region of Murcia. The specific objectives are structured around it. They are Identify audiovisual media with more presence. Check for what type of activity the music of the audiovisual media is used. Know if the textbooks use original music or versions and/or adaptations by media. Evidence if complete musical compositions appear or, on the other hand, specific fragments of them are used. Finally, Find out how the audiovisual music to be used is presented to the student. All specifics objects are oriented to the textbooks of the Music subject in Primary Education in the Region of Murcia. To achieve the stated objective, an inserted methodology is presented within the descriptive studies of populations through a cross-sectional design, where a mixed method has been chosen. The procedure to carry out this work began with the contact with all the centers of the Autonomous Community to know if, in the subject of Music, they used a textbook and to which editorial it was used. Once the editorials to be investigated were known, the materials were collected and the data extraction tool designed ad hoc for the investigation was applied.   The results obtained have shown that audiovisual media are not an element that arrives with forcefulness to students from textbooks. They remain as a marginal resource and reduced to legislative requirements. Within the little presence of this type of music in editorial materials, it has been detected that the most used audiovisual medium is cinema. The audition is positioned as the most used musical activity. Original versions and complete compositions are the most used. The most common way of presenting sound files to students is through the title and/or author of the composition and an optical medium attached to the book, usually a compact