La evaluación del aprendizaje: de las competencias a los resultados de aprendizaje.Un estudio preliminar

  1. Mª Ángeles Mayor Cinca 1
  2. José Mª Arana Martínez 1
  3. Vicente Ortiz Oria 1
  4. Cristina Jenaro Río 1
  5. Juan José García Meilán 1
  6. Begoña Zubiauz de Pedro 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Salamanca

    Universidad de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España


Segundas jornadas de innovación docente en la Universidad de Salamanca
  1. Dolores Pereira Gómez (coord.)
  2. Juan Antonio Rodríguez Sánchez (coord.)
  3. José Luis de las Heras Santos (coord.)

Publisher: Universidad de Salamanca

ISBN: 978-84-695-8722-5

Year of publication: 2013

Pages: 189-194

Congress: Jornadas de Innovación Docente en la Universidad de Salamanca (2. 2013. Salamanca)

Type: Conference paper


The Bologna process suggests the need to shift from a teacher and content -centered model to a student and results or achievements -centered model. Method: This paper aims to check for differences in the perception of the degree of learning achieved by university students, either when they are asked to rate the achievement of competencies or learning outcomes. The sample consisted of 46 1st year Psychology students who, after completing a subject, responded voluntarily to an online questionnaire. This questionnaire asked them to rate the degree (0 to 10) to which, after finishing the subject, they have acquired 6 competencies and 9 associated learning outcomes. Additionally, the teacher responsible for the subject rated using the same scale, the extent to which, in their opinion, the 15 selected skills were trained during the classes. Data were analyzed using SPSS for Windows, performing descriptive, correlational (Pearson correlation) and analysis of variance. statistical analysis. Results: The results show that there is a high agreement between the estimates given by the students and the professor (rxy = 0.72, p = .003). Conclusions: Although the differences obtained between the rates of achievement of competencies, compared to learning outcomes are in line with our expectations, they are not statistically significant. Other results require further analysis, with a larger sample, and in a later stage of this study, to verify possible differences between subjects.