Los viajeros del espacio y las formas errantes en la literatura contemporánea: paseo urbano e hiperviaje

  1. Sheila Pastor 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Burgos

    Universidad de Burgos

    Burgos, España

    ROR https://ror.org/049da5t36

Chasqui: revista de literatura latinoamericana

ISSN: 0145-8973

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 51

Issue: 1

Pages: 433-444

Type: Article

More publications in: Chasqui: revista de literatura latinoamericana


In the first pages of Una luna. Diario de hiperviaje (2009), Martín Caparrós exposes the reasons for the journey that will take him to visit eight cities in Africa and Europe in just one lunar cycle. Next, the traveler reflects on the comfort and speed of travel today and develops, then, the concept of hyper-travel. This will be a neologism with which to call that traveling without seeing that takes us from one end of the world to another in hours and that necessarily alters both our spatial conception and the notion of distances and, of course, takes it away from the aura that it could have, for example, in the days of the Grand Tour. Precisely that trip with capital letters that occupied writers in the eighteenth century, the relationships of circumnavigations or the testimonies of the great migrations are diluted in Mis dos mundos until they become the record of a minimal itinerary: that of a writer for a park in an unknown city. Sergio Chejfec develops in this 2008 work a poetics of the transit marked by disinterest, disappointment and introspection. Although the purpose of mapping travel deeds is practically unattainable because, as Beatriz Colombi pointed out, “each specimen seems unique in its kind” (302) and at every step its limits move reaching previously unexplored territories, it is still useful for its analysis, to try out a categorization, set some coordinates where they are registered. Such is the aspiration of the present work as it is interested in two texts that illustrate, while defining, two of the most explored trends in the writing of travel in the current Hispanic panorama: hyper-travel and the urban walk. It is intended, based on its reading, to analyze the preferred ways to relate the displacement at the beginning of the century and the motivations behind its artistic expression. Thus it will be verified that the genre assumes a back and forth movement — from tradition to innovation, from creation to thought—, without ceasing to inhabit the interstice and the border. In these pages, instead, Mis dos mundos and Una luna are studied as complementary wandering forms in their spatial configuration.

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