Propuesta didáctica para integrar literatura y pervivenciaMedea y Antígona toman la pantalla

  1. Eveling Garzón Fontalvo 1
  1. 1 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Madrid, España


Estudios clásicos

ISSN: 0014-1453

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 159

Pages: 129-147

Type: Article

More publications in: Estudios clásicos

Sustainable development goals


This paper presents a didactic proposal to address jointly the teaching of Greek tragedy and of the reception of two classical heroines in the cinema: Medea and Antigone. More precisely, the proposal suggests starting off by reading Euripides’ Medea, which, together with a series of driving questions, will be useful to analyze how the myth is reflected in the film adaptations Medea (Pasolini 1969) and Así es la vida… (Ripstein 2010), based on Euripides’ and Seneca’s Medeas, respectively. After that, in order to ensure the understanding and comprehension of the subject of Greek tragedy, a group project is proposed aimed to make students work together on creating a trailer based on a current reinterpretation of Sophocles’ Antigone.

Bibliographic References

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