Approach to the Technical Processes of Incorporating Sustainability Information : The Case of a Smart City and the Monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 2227-9717
Year of publication: 2022
Volume: 10
Issue: 8
Pages: 1651
Type: Article
More publications in: Processes
Currently, the concern for achieving and fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) is a constant in advanced societies. The scientific community and various organisations areworking on obtaining an information system that will make it possible to offer the necessary valueto this type of sustainability information. The article aims to incorporate criteria on the technologyused in the reporting system, specifically in collecting the different types of data and generating otherinterfaces. The methods described here are carried out on a specific case study, a Smart City, showingthe different types of data that exist and the possible interfaces that allow objective monitoring ofthe achievement of the SDGs. It is, therefore, a descriptive study of a process whose results arethe establishment of criteria concerning the different data sources as well as the generation of a setof interfaces that motivate the monitoring that can be carried out in a specific city to observe itscompliance and deviations from critical values, for example, environmental. The main conclusions ofthis research establish the importance of incorporating and sizing the technology needed to developthe criteria for monitoring the SDGs. There is a need for convergence between the correct, objectiveand universal provision of this type of sustainability information and the technology used for thecollection and presentation of the data.
Funding information
Junta de Castilla y León
- SA082P20
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