Bases científicas y bioéticas del análisis de validez en medicina evaluadora

  1. Antonio Domínguez Muñoz
  2. López Pérez, Rafael
  3. Fernando Gordillo León
  4. Miguel Ángel Pérez-Nieto
  5. Ana Gómez Álvarez
  6. José Luis De la Fuente Madero
Medicina y seguridad del trabajo

ISSN: 0465-546X 1989-7790

Année de publication: 2014

Volumen: 60

Número: 236

Pages: 527-535

Type: Article

DOI: 10.4321/S0465-546X2014000300006 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccès ouvert editor

D'autres publications dans: Medicina y seguridad del trabajo


The forensic context in which dissability assessment medicine is practised, allowing access to workers' compensation benefits, requires consideration of the validity -firmness, consistency and legal acceptability- of medical disability assessment interviews. On the other hand, in assistential medicine biomedically unexplained cases -for which the term MUPS is proposed- are common, often accompanied by high levels of subjective suffering. Logically, to protect the ethic principle of Justice in a context of limited resources, to consider any clinical distortion -marked discrepancy between the person's claimed stress or disability and the objective clinical findings- and their root causes, from somatoform or conversion disorders at the end of the involuntary, to pure malingering is mandatory. Additionally, since disease and disability are subject to learning and operant conditioning behaviors, the same validity analysis will allow us to act according to the principles of Beneficence and Non-maleficence, avoiding reinforce abnormal illness behaviors that can crystallize in the Learned Disability Syndrome.

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