Molecular Responses to Solvent Stress: Strategies for Living in Unpalatable Substrates

  1. Ramos, Juan Luis
  2. Daniels, Craig
  3. Krell, Tino
  4. Duque, Estrella
  5. Godoy, Patricia
  6. de la Torre, Jesús
  7. Fernández-Escamilla, Ana M.
  8. Daddaoua, Abdelali
  9. Navarro-Avilés, Gloria
  10. Fillet, Sandy
  11. Pini, Cecilia
  12. Molina-Henares, M. Antonia
  13. Lacal, Jesús
  14. Busch, Andreas
  15. Silva-Jiménez, Hortencia
  16. Rodríguez, Sara
  17. Molina, Lázaro
  18. Bursakov, Sergey A.
  19. Roca, Amalia
  20. Segura, Ana
Extremophiles Handbook

Publisher: Springer, Tokyo

ISBN: 978-4-431-53897-4 978-4-431-53898-1

Year of publication: 2011

Pages: 971-990

Type: Book chapter

DOI: 10.1007/978-4-431-53898-1_47 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

Sustainable development goals


The Extremophiles Handbook brings together the rapidly growing and often scattered information on microbial life in the whole range of extreme environments. This book will be a useful reference for finding clues to the origin of life and for exploring the biotechnology potential of these fascinating organisms.

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