María Isabel
Asensio Sevilla
Profesora Titular de Universidad
Publications (84) María Isabel Asensio Sevilla publications
EOLO, a wind energy forecaster based on public information and automatic learning for the Spanish Electricity Markets
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, Vol. 231
Enseñanza de investigación operativa en Ingeniería y Economía mediante aprendizaje basado en problemas.
X Jornadas Internacionales de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la Estadística y la investigación operativa. (Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca), pp. 46-46
Validation of a 3D Local-Scale Adaptive Solar Radiation Model by Using Pyranometer Measurements and a High-Resolution Digital Elevation Model
Sensors, Vol. 24, Núm. 6
An Historical Review of the Simplified Physical Fire Spread Model PhyFire: Model and Numerical Methods
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Vol. 13, Núm. 4
Validating the effect of fuel moisture content by a multivalued operator in a simplified physical fire spread model
Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol. 164
A high-resolution fuel type mapping procedure based on satellite imagery and neural networks: Updating fuel maps for wildfire simulators
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, Vol. 27
High Resolution Fuel Type Mapping through Satellite Imagery and Neural Networks for Wildfire Simulations: A Case Study in Spain
The Third International Conference on Fire Behavior and Risk
Improving mathematical simulations through high quality input data: a case of study applied to the simulation of wildfires
XXVII CEDYA/XVII CMA : book of abstracts
Wind modeling applications: a case of study applied to the estimation of electricity production in wind farms
XXVII CEDYA/XVII CMA : book of abstracts
Applied Mathematics for Environmental Problems
lit. ed.
Local wind speed forecasting based on WRF-HDWind coupling
Atmospheric Research, Vol. 248
Numerical Simulation in Physics and Engineering: Trends and Applications. Lecture Notes of the XVIII ‘Jacques-Louis Lions’ Spanish-French School
lit. ed.
PhyFire, an online wildfire simulation tool
1st International Congress on Fire in the Earth System: Humans and Nature (fEs2021)
SEMA SIMAI Springer Series
Global sensitivity analysis of fuel-type-dependent input variables of a simplified physical fire spread model
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 172, pp. 33-44
Matemáticas y medioambiente
VI Jornadas de investigadoras de Castilla y León: la aventura de la ciencia y la tecnología (Fundación 3CIN), pp. 24-25
Mobile Architecture for Forest Fire Simulation Using PhyFire-HDWind Model
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
PhyFire: An Online GIS-Integrated Wildfire Spread Simulation Tool Based on a Semiphysical Model
SEMA SIMAI Springer Series, pp. 1-20
A MOOC on climate change mitigation and adaptation for Spanish primary and secondary teachers: education as a tool for increased action by Spanish-speaking students worldwide
Conference Proceedings of Adaptation Futures 2018 (University of Cape Town Libraries), pp. 176-179
The university facing the challenges of climate change: A virtual seminar for climate change education
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series