Publications (11) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. Characterization of Duplicate Delta Opioid receptors from zebrafish

    Experimental Biology Annual Meeting (ASPET- Pharmacology)

  2. Connexin 43 is involved in the antiproliferative effect of tolbutamide in glioma cells


  3. Disregulation in sympathetic activity explains gender differences in irs-2knockout mice

    Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology

  4. Educational strategies applied to the teaching of anatomy. The evolution of resources

    European Journal of Anatomy

  5. Free radicals in skeletal muscle: Essential signals or mediators of damage

    European Meeting of the Society-for-Free-Radical-Research-Europe

  6. Identification of glaucoma stages with artificial neural networks using retinal nerve fibre layer analysis and visual field parameters

    Advances in Soft Computing

  7. Iniciativas para integrar las actuaciones de los servicios de apoyo con la investigación, la docencia y la formación en materia de discapacidad.

    II Congreso Nacional sobre Universidad y Discapacidad: XI Reunión del Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad. Conclusiones y propuestas de actuación.

  8. Passive stretching of isolated mature single skeletal muscle fibres. Does it augment the intracellular content of ROS and/or NO?

    European Meeting of the Society-for-Free-Radical-Research-Europe

  9. Psychophysical and physiological assessment of the representation of high-frequency spectral notches in the auditory nerve


  10. The isolated mature skeletal muscle fibre: A model system to study intracellular ROS generation

    European Meeting of the Society-for-Free-Radical-Research-Europe

  11. ¿Educar desde el humor...? ¡qué risa!

    IX Congreso internacional galego-portugués de psicopedagoxía