Concepciones de los alumnos de bachillerato y curso de orientación universitaria sobre límite funcional y continuidad
- Sierra Vázquez, Modesto
- González Astudillo, María Teresa
- López Esteban, Carmen
ISSN: 1665-2436
Year of publication: 2000
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
Pages: 71-86
Type: Article
More publications in: RELIME. Revista latinoamericana de investigación en matemática educativa
To establish the conceptions of the students of Bachillerato and Curso de Orientación Universitaria about functional limit and continuity, it has been analized and categorized the answers employed by 145 pupils when they answered a questionaire with problems about this two topics. It has been proved that some conceptions were linked with the ones that has been appeared along the history of mathematics, and the others, were induced by the teaching received.