Escuela de doctorado
Olmos Migueláñez
Profesora Titular de Universidad
Publicacións nas que colabora con Susana Olmos Migueláñez (32)
Trends on Communication, Educational Assessment, Sustainable Development, Educational Innovation, Mechatronics and Learning Analytics at TEEM 2022
Lecture Notes in Educational Technology (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), pp. 699-716
A cross-cultural study on the influence of cultural values and teacher beliefs on university teachers’ information and communications technology acceptance
Educational Technology Research and Development, Vol. 69, Núm. 2, pp. 1271-1297
Retos de la educación post-pandemia: Libro de actas: II Conferencia Internacional de Investigación en Educación
Universidad de Salamanca
Break the walls! Second-Order barriers and the acceptance of mLearning by first-year pre-service teachers
Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 95, pp. 158-167
Cultural values and technology adoption: A model comparison with university teachers from China and Spain
Computers and Education, Vol. 133, pp. 69-81
Exploring the unknown: The effect of resistance to change and attachment on mobile adoption among secondary pre-service teachers
British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 50, Núm. 5, pp. 2433-2449
Actas XVIII Congreso Internacional de Investigación Educativa: interdisciplinariedad y transferencia (AIDIPE, 2017)
Asociacion Interuniversitaria de Investigacion Pedagógica (AIDIPE)
Apego tecnológico y uso futuro de dispositivos móviles entre los estudiantes del máster de educación secundaria
Actas XVIII Congreso Internacional de Investigación Educativa: interdisciplinariedad y transferencia (AIDIPE, 2017)
Assessment of the dispositon of future secondary educaton teachers towards mobile learning
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Interdisciplinaridad y transferencia: Actas I Encuentro de doctorados e investigadores noveles
Asociacion Interuniversitaria de Investigacion Pedagógica (AIDIPE)
MLearning and pre-service teachers: An assessment of the behavioral intention using an expanded TAM model
Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 72, pp. 644-654
Motivación e innovación: Aceptación de tecnologías móviles en los maestros en formación
RIED: revista iberoamericana de educación a distancia, Vol. 20, Núm. 2, pp. 273-292
¿Utilizarán los futuros docentes las tecnologías móviles?: validación de una propuesta de modelo TAM extendido
RED: revista de educación a distancia, Núm. 52
Assessment of pre-primary education pre-service teachers dispositional resistance to change using RCS
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Do mobile technologies have a place in universities? The TAM model in higher education
Handbook of Research on Mobile Devices and Applications in Higher Education Settings (IGI Global), pp. 25-52
Enjoyment, resistance to change and mlearning acceptance among pre-service teachers
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Informal tools in formal contexts: Development of a model to assess the acceptance of mobile technologies among teachers
Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 55, pp. 519-528
Norma Subjetiva e Intención de Uso de Tecnologías Móviles. Un estudio descriptivo sobre las actitudes de los futuros docentes de primaria
XVIII Simposio Internacional de Informática Educativa, SIIE 2016 (Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca), pp. 313-318
Subjective norm and behavioral intention to use mobile technologies: A descriptive study on the attitudes of future primary education teachers
2016 International Symposium on Computers in Education, SIIE 2016: Learning Analytics Technologies